I’m an interaction and visual designer currently building with Google, previously with the IDEO CoLab and Studio Rodrigo.


In over four years at Google, I’ve worked at scale leading projects on Ads, the Play Store, and dedicating time to various a11y and hush-hush innovation projects. Prior to that, I honed my design, innovation, and content skills at companies like IDEO, Meta/Facebook, and Studio Rodrigo.

I completed my MFA IxD Thesis work focusing on music therapy, haptics, and accessibility — areas close to my heart. You can check out the PBS WNET feature here . Special thanks to PBS, Elizabeth Seton Children’s, James Maxson, and Brian House for their collaboration on that work.


My design experience started in print and silkscreen while studying at Parsons and grew into other multi-sensory realms in my graduate work at the School of Visual Arts. My work lives primarily on screens now, but I still love to bring that tactile sensibility to the digital world.

I’ve been honored to have had my work recognized by Fast Company, SF Design Week, the Interaction Design Awards, and PBS.

In my spare time you can find me immersed in a book or video game, soaking in music at the philharmonic, or hanging out with my cats and husband in New York.


Many of the details of my work are confidential these days, but reach out if you’d like to chat or see work I’m able to share. If you’re a student with questions or a colleague with collaboration in mind, I heartily welcome you.

Shoot me an email; I look forward to chatting.